Next Generation Plan Generation for the Successful Small Business

PlanGen | Professional Identity Pages

Professional Identity Pages.

Custom Content in Context

There is a troublesome knowledge gap between those advisors who understand advanced benefit planning and the small business owners who need it. Until recently, putting those two sides of the equation together could be a real networking, calculation and communication challenge. Not any more...

It's time to start an important financial planning conversation

  • Personal web page to confirm professional identity
  • Support and enhance existing online resources
  • Search Engine Optimized and device friendly
  • Contact form and data capture calls-to-action

Pro Bio Pages

Professional and personal information pages are public facing, Search Engine friendly, and do not require site membership to view. Professionals have the opportunity to introduce themselves through customized content about their work practices and their business processes. They help successful small business owners find professionals who understand guaranteed-outcome planning and guaranteed income in retirement. Increase organic search visibility and upgrade overall content relavency.

Digital Network Integration

Designed to assist qualified professionals in sharing their expertise across the many platforms they use to connect with clients and colleagues. Enhance the quality of presence and reach of messaging through cross-linking with other internet assets such as corporate web sites, blog publishing and digital networking. An authoritative web resource that can support search engine recognition through a professional identity hub. Deploy marketing campaign themed landing pages to match digital network advertising.

 Request for Proposals

Jump start communications about client needs and plan designs. Empower clients to control the security and validity of the business scenario data by submitting it directly to the system. Helps advisors to quickly and efficiently assess a business scenario and offer optimized strategies.
Start the process with a PlanGen Digital RFP.